Thursday, June 26, 2014

Life, please go easy on me!!!

If the month of May had been rough, it's now just a walk in the park
compared to the month of June... I lost the job that I had for 2.5 years... 
Because I lost my job, my Baby Bear is not able to go to school for the 
first time in 5 years... Anyone out there who wants to sponsor his tuition?
It breaks my heart to see him stare at his school building every time we
pass by the place, I guess he misses his teachers and classmates... :(

On the brighter side: He's been responding well to Applied Behavior 
Analysis Therapy 3 times a week... He doesn't have tantrums and meltdowns 
as much as he used to... I found a part time job... I have more free time to spend 
with my Bear... And HOPE is always there... I'm hoping that life will not be as 
hard as it is at the moment... There is hope that the Infinite will lead me 

The curve balls that life is throwing my way seem to keep coming... 
One day I had job security and many trips to the shopping mall... 
The next day I get an email that my contract has ended and "we ran 
out of work for you" and there are still debts to pay and groceries 
to purchase... One day my Baby Bear is happily giggling, smiling, and 
talking... The next day he stops communicating and just starts crying... :|

I am praying, praying, praying for better days to come...
Please include me and my Bear in your prayers...
Maybe God just wants to toughen me up...

"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to
harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." --- Jeremiah 29:11